Like the Blind Leading the Blind: Donald Trump and Evangelicals

This morning, like most mornings now, I found myself reading an article on Donald Trump’s candidacy. Everyday I ask myself the question, “How can so many American Evangelicals support such an openly narcissistic, power driven man?” Sarah Palin endorsed him, Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, endorsed him,[1] and not too long ago, a poll was released that showed that Evangelical Christians as a whole are gravitating to Trump.[2]

But, this article I read today gave me a much needed answer as to why Americans and specifically republican “anti-establishment” Evangelicals are gravitating toward Donald Trump. The author, Gina Dalfonzo, asserted, and rightfully so, that when fear is driving a certain people group, they will seek safety and power in the wrong places. The author then went on to make the connection that the American people, specifically “anti-establishment” republicans, are putting their faith in Donald Trump, because he projects an unwavering, albeit narcissistic, strength. She even takes a particular jab at American Evangelicals it seems, when she states, “Some who have professed faith in Jesus Christ are lured by a man who openly puts all his faith in power and money, the very things Christ warned us against prizing too highly.”[3]

Americans are scared. And, when humans fear they look for security. And, what appeals to humans seeking security? Strength. This is why Trump is so appealing; he exudes a certain unwavering cockiness that somehow appeals to people as “strength.” But, Evangelical Christians must remember that to exchange morality and virtue for strength and power is to reject an important Christian principle.

American Evangelicals, by voting for Trump, are rejecting a key principle from the message of Christ and his incarnation: personal power is not to be prized.

I could to try and sway Evangelical voters by pointing to Trump’s not so morally consistent business and personal history. I could easily point to Trump’s multiple divorces,[4] his business endeavors, the fact he owned the nation’s first-ever casino strip club,[5] the fact that he preys on the weak by using his power to take their land through eminent domain,[6] his previous support of abortion, his sexist[7] and racist remarks,[8] and much more.[9]  But, more than all of these actions, the reason why Trump should cause Christians to cringe is what seems to be his deep, personal, one could say philosophical, love of power and not virtue.

Trump fails to realize that power is neither good nor evil in and of itself. Power can be a good, or it can be an evil. Power can be likened to a hammer. In the right hands it is a tool that builds up and strengthens a structure. In the wrong hands it can be a tool used for destruction or tearing apart a structure. It is the character of the man wielding the hammer that matters not the hammer itself. Power needs virtue in order to be good. But, Trump insists that because he is successful, because he is rich, because he is powerful, he deserves your vote. Remembering our illustration, it is as if Trump is saying, I’ll be a good builder cause I have a hammer. This, I believe, contradicts the virtue ethic of the Bible. And, the question every voter, not only Evangelical Christians, must ask is “How has he used his power? How has he used his tools?”

The Prophet Jeremiah writes, “Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom, do not let the mighty boast in their might, do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth; but let those who boast boast in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord; I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.”[10] This is a summary of the Christian message. The Christian message and ethic is that man’s boasting whether it be in money, power, or wisdom, gains him nothing. It’s worthless. But, God delights in men of virtue, of love, justice, and righteousness. Trump does not live a life of virtue, rather he boasts of all his money, power, and accomplishments to gain your trust and vote. Trump is successful; Trump is rich; Trump is powerful. I am not denying this, but American Evangelicals must question how he uses his money, success, and power. And, I believe if one questions this, he will realize that Trump’s actions show that he consistently uses his money and power unethically.

The Apostle Paul states in his first epistle to the Corinthians (not One Corinthians), “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one might boast.”[11] Jesus as our Leader, our Savior and King, did not rule this world with king-like power or with earthly riches. Jesus Christ lived a lowly life, a life of healing the sick, a life of serving the poor and the outcast. Christ lived a servant’s life, and he died a humiliating death to save mankind, even those who crucified him. Christ does not claim followers because of His mere power. Jesus Christ claims followers because of how he uses His infinite power. Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection show that true power comes from understanding virtue and enacting love, justice, and righteousness in our broken world. Virtue and morality is what builds and structures our communities, our cities, our states, and our union. This is what is called a Virtue-ethic. Man living for virtue’s sake not for personal gain.

That being said, there was a time when American Evangelicals voted from this Christian virtue ethic. Russell Moore says it well,

“One may say that Trump’s personal life and business dealings are irrelevant to his candidacy, but conservatives have argued for generations that virtue matters, in the citizenry and in the nation’s leaders. Can conservatives really believe that, if elected, Trump would care about protecting the family’s place in society when his own life is — unapologetically — what conservatives used to recognize as decadent?”

Some American Evangelicals want to elect a man who stands for the exact opposite of Christ’s message of virtue as true power. They want a leader who mocks, scoffs, and ridicules his competitors and dissenters. Some Evangelicals want to elect Trump as their political “savior,” but sadly they cannot see his blatant rejection of their very Savior’s virtue ethic. Like the blind leading the blind, so Trump leads scared and impressionable Evangelicals.

I am not saying that Christians can only vote for verified Christians, there is no religious test for office; I am not saying that Christians cannot vote for rich men; I am not saying that Christians cannot vote for powerful men. The point I am wishing to make is that Christians cannot vote for rich, powerful men who reject virtue and have both a flawed character and ethic. As previously stated, I do not care if Trump is rich; I do not care if Trump is successful; I do not care if Trump is powerful. But, I do care how Trump uses his money, success, and power. Therefore, I care that Trump is immoral; I care that Trump is arrogant; I care that Trump is narcissistic. And, all of these characteristics paired with his personal and business actions show his blatant opposition to Christ’s message of true power as virtue. Thus, to vote for Trump is to accept the message of this world: that the powerful, the rich, the successful deserve power and leadership. And, if that is true, then Jesus Christ would not have been a good leader according to modern standards.

Evangelical Christians must understand that to seriously support Trump is to politically forget that morality is to be prized over earthly power; that divine virtue is greater than human strength.

[1] Scott, Eugene. “Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Donald Trump for President” CNN. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

[2] Gass, Nick. “Poll: Evangelicals Flocking to Trump.” POLITICO. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

[3] Dalfonzo, Gina. “Nikabrik’s Candidate.” First Things. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[4] Sun, Feifei. “Top 10 Donald Trump Failures.” Time. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[5] Williamson, Kevin D. “Witless Ape Rides Escalator.” National Review Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[6] Malkin, Michelle. “Trump’s Eminent-Domain Empire.” National Review Online. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[7] Obeidallah, Dean. “Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand What ‘sexism’ Is” CNN. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[8] Edelson, Chris. “Donald Trump’s Moral Cowardice.” TheHill. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[9] “Conservatives against Trump.” National Review Online. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

[10] Jeremiah 9:23-24. NRSV.

[11] 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.

This morning, like most mornings now, I found myself reading an article on Donald Trump’s candidacy. Everyday I ask myself the question, “How can so many American Evangelicals support such an openly narcissistic, power driven man?” Sarah Palin endorsed him, Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, endorsed him,[1] and not too long ago,…

62 responses to “Like the Blind Leading the Blind: Donald Trump and Evangelicals”

  1. You are right on with all of this. I have been saddened by the flocking of Christians to Trump and the avoidance of Ben Carson. Choosing flair over substance.

    1. Carson even said in an interview for us to please look at the fruit of the candidates lives. He quoted, “You shall know them by their fruits.” He asked us not to look at flair or finesse in debates but look at the fruits of lives!

  2. I can relate to all the vilification of Donald Trump. However I have to pause and consider that I have watched him throughout my life and his we are close to the same age. I truly believe he has some attributes that America needs at this time in its history. I as a Christian am under to injunction to only vote for Christian approved candidates now that aside, are not all things under Gods control? And, is he only restricted to influencing peoples mind for only christian candidates? Or can he not use someone that is not a Christian? Are we all using our hearts, our minds, or our emotions. God leads us into balance. And that balance might be to stop and consider who can get the necessary job done.

    1. That depends on what your definition of “get the job done” entails.

      1. Isn’t it great that we live in a free and open society where he gets to decide that?

    2. Two things Clark. 1) God is “in” control of all things, but does not control all things. 2) This is why the morality issue is paramount; Trump may gain our vote based on promises to be your champion but once elected, has no obligation to follow through. His character is one of self-service. And there is no reason to believe he will not serve his own interests once elected. Character counts. Morality counts.

      1. How can God be in control but not controlling???? If God doesn’t allow a thing, it won’t happen.

      2. on.

      3. Kenneth, He isn’t “controlling” because He gives us free will. But He is “in” control because He ultimately has the power to intervene if it is His will.

    3. You absolutely missed the point. You missed the point of this blog, and you missed the point of the teaching of Jesus.

    4. The people want Nimrod. Civilization is coming full circle. The end is like unto the beginning. Trump is an alpha, and alphas build walls and towers and all kinds of stuff. Never mind that inside this man’s soul is a spoiled child.

      Nimrod (from the Hebrew root: rebel) the mighty one built a tower; no, not Trump Towers, the Tower at Babel. He was made king based on his greatness and he promised security (Josephus). People looked upon him with awe. But the kingdom he built turned into tyranny. This same scenario repeats over and again throughout history and ends with the eventual breakup of the kingdom.

  3. A poll last week indicated that almost 70% of Evangelicals would support Rubio over Trump. Also, regarding arrogance, I think most candidates only differ in degree or style on this score. I’m only suggesting that getting inside the heads of both voters and candidates is harder than it looks.

    Everyone talks about wanting to focus on “the issues”. Personally, I tend to think people mean “talking points” rather than issues when they say that. I’m going to try to chart every substantive statement the candidates or their campaigns make this week and see if it is even possible to distinguish them on the issues.

    I think we should formulate our arguments for and against specific candidates in terms of specific issues; hopefully believers could leave the talking points and the ad hominem attacks for the tabloids.

    1. I definitely agree, Phil. Policy is the center focus of politics in my book. But, I think their is enough unbiased media material to indict Trump on being an unelectable narcissist. I know most politicians are arrogant. But, the way one carries oneself is very important, especially as commander and chief. Trump has a track record of being consistently unethical, arrogant, sexist, and racist in his hasty generalizations. I also think evangelical conservatives need to look at Trump’s business history and bankruptcies, to notice he hasn’t been the most honest man. As I think a candidate should have some sense of character about them.

      Trump’s policy is also very vague and non-specific. One of his top staffers said regarding the nuclear triade: “What’s the point of nuclear weapons if you’re not going to use them.” This paired with his horrible tax code, approval of eminent domain, and lack of a concrete foreign policy, I think should make many people reconsider a Trump Presidency.

      1. It’s hard to maintain (or earn) credibility when discussing character. Emotions trump arguments. It’s equally hard to maintain credibility when discussing policies. Without actual experience plans are just words. I used to say Governors were the best candidates for President, but it’s still just 50/50 odds. I prefer businessmen, and I only trust their customers when trying to determine character.

    2. Which poll? I’d love it if that were true, but all the polling I’ve seen has Trump with about the same lead among evangelical Republicans as with Republicans in general.

    3. Hear, Hear! I hope when you line up a comparison chart on the candidates statements on issues, you will publish it!

  4. I appreciate all the thoughts of so many of my fellow believers in Christ. I especially appreciate the attempts to put our fellow believers under some sort of guilt trip manipulating their conscience in order to ease their own. God is able to use all kinds of Godless men to accomplish Godly ends. It all seems to end up that that both sides are attempting to use God. Fortunately Mordecai and Esther didn’t feel the way many do concerning Trump otherwise Haman might have prevailed and truly been Nebuchadnezzar’s right hand man.

    1. Nice insight bro!

    2. Hi Clark, I commented this already to someone, but I think it will answer your statement. First off, I completely understand where you are coming from. God can use anyone, and I would not think it the end of the world if Trump was elected. I am a firm believer in God’s complete sovereignty over the ways of man. Kings are like rivers in the hand of God according to both Proverbs and the narrative of the Old Testament. That being said, as American Christians, we have a unique ability to have a public vote. We can be actively involved in our country’s political system as voters. Trump has major character issues and policy issues that promote fear and hate, the opposite of the Christian message of freedom. With so many other reasonable options, I don’t see the need for Christians to vote for Trump. I’m not trying to manipulate consciences, I am simply pointing out major moral problems. If Christians choose to vote for Trump, it is not a sin. I’m not saying that, but I am saying it is a temporary political contradiction to the principles of Christ.

    3. You mean Xerxes or Ahasuerus. Nebuchadnezzar was ruler of Babylon, not of the Persian Empire referred to in the book of Esther. And I really think that you are mistaken about someone’s attempt to manipulate or make another feel guilty. It looks to simply be good food for thought. This is a big decision. We should welcome articles like this. Praise God we live in a country where we have a choice.

    4. If Evangelicals had supported Mitt Romney in 2012 in mass, instead of battling with Mormon beliefs, he would have been elected……if they stay home again because of Trump, then we give ourselves the Clintons once again!!!

  5. I agree 100%.

  6. PT Elliott – Thank-you for this great article that espouses so many of the things that I have been trying to point out to my “Christian” friends/Trump supporters. You said it better than I ever could. I even told some of them that they were “blind” to the issues…and that is your title…. THANX!!!

  7. So who is your choice among the people in the presidential running… And I also want to know who you voted for in the last 2 terms…

    1. Hi Julie, I try to research all the candidates in depth. This year, I’m leaning towards Rand Paul and John Kasich. As for the last cycle, which was my first presidential cycle, I voted for the republican nominee, Mitt Romney, in the general election. But, in the primary, I voted for Ron Paul.

  8. Reblogged this on Mitsilancer and commented:
    Excellent point this writer has made to why it is wrong to put your vote for Donald Trump as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend reading this article. The point made is right on, and I hope and pray that Christians will come to the knowledge of the truth, before it’s too late.

  9. Reblogged this on Erika Rockz and commented:

  10. Are you aware of this? These are the actual statistics i have been reading, and also what i find to be the case among a wide circle of friends. I like knowing what the facts are, not the media spin. “…evangelicals are the GOP demographic most skeptical about his appeal.”

    1. I agree that his support isn’t as strong as most people think among evangelicals, but many prominent evangelical “leaders” have supported him. Not only that, I cited a poll that shows overall evangelical support to still be 30% and that is the most among all candidates sadly. I concede that most of those evangelicals supporting Trump are not “practicing,” but the people largely supporting him are still claiming the evangelical Christian faith as their own. Thanks for the article to help be more precise on the statistics.

  11. Interesting topic; however I would also like to point out that we are not being offered any truly Godly or morally righteous presidential candidates (based on the fruit they bare and not merely on where they claim they stand on specific issues). God can use anyone for His purposes – including Donald Trump.

    1. I completely understand where you are coming from. God can use anyone, and I would not think it the end of the world if Trump was elected. I am a firm believer in God’s complete sovereignty over the ways of man. Kings are like rivers in the hand of God. But, as American Christians we have a unique ability to have a public vote that could stop a Trump presidency. Trump has major character issues and policy issues that promote fear and hate, the opposite of the Christian message of freedom. I simply want to let American evangelical Christians know that even though they are afraid of the world and America’s future, the answer isn’t to hand over our problems over to Trump as our political savior. 1. President’s don’t have complete authority over the country, and 2. I think that John Kasich and Rand Paul are two examples of reasonable leaders who have good, researched policy. Thanks for the comment!

  12. At the point any free society comes to have faith in the dominion of there freedoms are preserved, how ever slightly in a human, or person; and not the people; it’s freedoms are not only already gone; but the society of which it subsists has deteriorated; as it’s understanding of freedom has been lost in the pursuit of self; and not Truth

    1. Great comment! I am in full agreement.

  13. If we continue on the debt spiral, open borders, and let evil such as ISIS continue to flourish, we will lose our country and the freedom that allows us to even have these discussions. My prayer is that God would provide wisdom to the voters to make a decision that serves His purpose for He is still the one and only eternal King.

    1. It’s for those reasons that I lean towards Rand Paul. His tax code balances the budget and creates a surplus in the gov’t budget in 10 years, while giving the private sector tax cuts. Rand was against arming ISIS which the other republicans supported, and understands that regime change and only carpet-bombing ISIS will grow them. But, I think Kasich also has good perspective and policy. These are the two that I lean toward after my research.

  14. I am not a huge fan of Trump, and I am an Evangelical (pastor). But, there is one thing that we need to consider: we MUST win the general election – we cannot allow the Socialists to continue to destroy this country. So, what concerns me is not necessarily who the best Republican person is, but who is the best Republican that can defeat Hilary and the Democrats. I don’t know the answer to that – I am not arguing either way. I just don’t know. Trump may be the best one to beat her, or maybe he isn’t. If I knew we could win, I’d vote for a Ben Carson or a Ted Cruz – who both profess to be Evangelicals. But I am not sure if either of those guys can win. I believe Rubio also confesses to be an Evangelical, but I am not thrilled with his record. Still, he’d be better than any Democrat, in my opinion. Anyway, I just want people to know that we may not get our best (evangelical) candidate in, but we need to get one of them in!

    1. Joe, I totally agree that the Republican nomination does have “electability” as a factor. But, from the most recent Gallup study. Trump is 60% unfavorable to the republican base, and is losing to Hilary Clinton in head to head polling. So, even on electability grounds, it seems that Trump is not the best candidate. If it’s on electability it will definitely need to be Kasich, Rubio, or Paul as the GOP candidate.

  15. Are you assuming all evangelicals are republicans? Because I go to church with many evangelicals who voted for Obama – twice – and who will vote for Hillary. On one hand we have people constantly telling us to leave our religion at home, separation of church and state, etc. Now these same people are saying – “Hey Christians – how can you possibly vote for Trump? He’s not religious enough! You can’t have it both ways.

    1. Hi Christine, I’m not assuming that all evangelicals are republican. I started off the article by specifically pointing to “anti-establishment” republicans and then went to the evangelicals in that category. I was not generalizing evangelicals, rather writing to a specific demographic. Maybe I should make that more clear in the intro. On the second point about how Christians either separate or have more religion in their vote/gov’t, I would only say one quick thing. I am a firm believer in a Christian Worldview that informs the whole person but isn’t necessarily blatant. So, I don’t believe a candidate has to be a Christian, Republican, or Democrat, rather, I believe that Christians vote with their conscience to who best promotes their worldview. There is no “perfect” candidate, so we have to weigh our options and compare negatives in candidates. I think that Trump has not only character issues, but policy issues that misrepresent the Christian Worldview by which I live. I don’t think voting for Trump is a sin, but I believe it is a political contradiction to a Christian worldview. Hopefully I answered your concerns. Thanks for all the feedback!

      1. You mention a “Christian Worldview”, Pete. This hard to define concept is grappled with in “The Truth Project”. Yet I suspect most believers would argue and quibble over which viewpoints ought to be given the highest priority. Maybe you should start a separate blog presenting a comprehensive summary of what you see as a properly biblical worldview. I would jokingly start with “Judge not, lest you be judged” and apply it to this blog here. But that would be cruel or sarcastic. Or I could point out the sarcasm Jesus used in Luke, as he strove to provoke the Jewish leaders to be so angry that they would kill him (and on time, as in Daniel 9). Whose campaigns and personality styles really fit within a biblical worldview? Fortunately, your worries about Trump may be passé, as we enter the newly emergent Rubio driven phase…

      2. The question that I would more so ask is not “who’s campaign and personalty fit within a biblical worldview?” But rather, who, according to my biblical worldview, can best help the common good? (And I know that the term “common good” will need 5 blogs to explain, but that’s more so what I was aiming at with “worldview.”) Hence why a candidate doesn’t have to be a Christian or perfectly moral, to receive a Christian’s vote. Who can I, in clear conscience, vote for to bring the greatest good to my family, church, community, and work/business? And, I know…Rubio after his showing in Iowa will probably ride a nice wave to the nomination.

  16. Angelo L. Coletta Avatar
    Angelo L. Coletta

    I am not an evangelical Christian. However, there is no way Trump will be elected. He is a fool. He spent a lot of money for naught.

  17. As a believer in and a follower of Jesus Christ, I agree with the above article. We as true Christians should certainly vote according to our Christian principles. I will that’s for sure! One thing Christians should remember, ALL leaders government or otherwise are in the positions they are in by God’s appointment! (Romans 13:1) He put some pretty evil people in positions of authority to accomplish His (not our) purposes. Whomever is elected will be according to God’s will!

    1. I completely agree about God’s sovereignty over government, and a Christian’s responsibility to respect governmental authority. While God is completely sovereign, I still wanted to write an article that encouraged evangelicals to politically and publicly rethink how to better handle their fear of America’s future, and hopefully help people realize that strength is not arrogance and narcissism but rather virtue.

  18. Thanks for this well-written, scriptural and reasonable article. I’m encouraging my friends to read and share it. Thanks for doing what you’re able to in an attempt to properly inform and challenge Christians to a deeper and more Christ-honoring conduct. Too many of us are way too shallow and scripturally ignorant.

    1. Thanks Steve! Much appreciated.

  19. What I find interesting is that only 5% of the caucus participants last night said in a poll going into their caucus site that “Donald Trump reflects my values”. When you combine Cruz & Rubio’s percentages, they are at 51%. Trump is not inevitable. People who see through him represent a huge lead over his numbers. As others drop out of the race Trump’s “lead” will diminish. Or, let’s pray so.

  20. Rev. Dr. William H. Swann Avatar
    Rev. Dr. William H. Swann

    I think you are extremely arrogant to make such blanket statements. GOD speaks to individuals and his message isn’t always interpreted correctly. I am both a Southern Baptist Minister, Christian Counselor, and do not especially appreciate your running down those of us who support Donald Trump. You completely ignore the fact that throughout history GOD has raised up men that no one would associate with GOD. Saul is a perfect example, he led the stoning of Christians when GOD met him. David was hardly a saint, but was a man after GOD’S own heart. I believe GOD raised Mr. Trump up as a Standard, he isn’t a perfect human, but there are a lots of Evangelical Christians that have been married more than once, including me. Divorce isn’t an unpardonable sin.

    The bottom line here is that you are doing a great job of judging Donald Trump, correct me if I’m wrong but unless you are using some modern Bible, the 1611 KJV says judge not lest ye be judged. At this juncture I would much rather associate with Donald Trump than you. On the matters of the Spirit, to me, you have forfeited any right to criticize anyone at all by your own words. It seems you are a pawn of Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, both by their own words have lied, been corrupted by big banks, and failed to do the job of Senator they were elected to do.

    Finally the United States is 19 Trillion dollars in Debt, both your pet Senators either voted for the Omnibus spending bill or failed to vote either way. Donald Trump is the only person who has a plan that might save this country. Any other Candidate of either party will continue to spend uncontrollably until China, Japan, and other Countries that hold our loans call in those notes. Then the US will become a 3rd world nation, apparently you are okay with that.

    My church congregation is nearly 100% in support of Donald Trump, this includes Black Christians who have never voted for a Republican in their Lives.

    1. Hey Rev. Dr. Swann, I’m not judging Trump. I’m critically thinking about his business record and personal life. What is the world if there is no criticism? How could the world grow? How would man know his faults?

      I would like to point out that I never said that Trump was a disqualified Christian not deserving of God’s grace, neither did I say divorce was an unpardonable sin. What I am saying, is that all of his personal and business moves show how he values power, success, and money. Not only that, his verbiage for his policies and his vocabulary for minorities is very generalized and vitriol. Me saying that he is not fit for office is different than saying he is not fit for grace, love, and worship in the church. I wish all men to come and know the saving love of the Triune God.

      On that same note, you reference the biblical narratives of Saul and David. The one thing about these two men of God is that they have hearts of repentance. They are revered by God and man as godly men, because they knew their sin and boasted only in God, and his work. Trump from what he has publicly said, does not believe in classic Christian repentance. He was recorded saying, “I don’t think I’ve ever asked for forgiveness from God.” He went onto say that he just goes out and “does better.” This is counter what David and Saul/Paul did! David and Paul avidly asked for God’s forgiveness and mercy knowing full well their sinful hearts. I do not know Trumps heart exactly, but God does say, “Out of the mouth the abundance of the heart flows.” We do have the ability to judge and critique based of how people speak and act.

      My second point is that there are other options. Rand Paul for example is a better option than Trump and answers all your reservations you hold about the US gov’t. Rand Paul is for cutting useless spending across the board and paying off the national debt. He is going to cut the IRS and Dept. of Education, while cutting taxes and closing loopholes that big corporations use. (Trump is actually for corporate loopholes, cause he uses them…) Rand Paul’s budget is actually the only one that balances the budget and creates a surplus in 5 years. Paul is also the only republican that wants to end minority targeting of black’s and latino’s in the criminal justice system. Paul doesn’t incite racist-like hate as Trump, but still wants to finish the Mexican border wall and secure it. There are other options.

      Thirdly, I am not okay with the US becoming a third world nation, and you falsely accuse me by saying that. I do not support Rubio or Cruz, you also falsely assume my position there. I am not judging Trump’s personal Christianity, rather his “professional resume” and sadly I don’t think he lines up with a Christian worldview. I said in my article, that I do not believe there is a religious test for office, but I do believe there are tests. I do hold to a moralistic test. I believe that there is enough “common grace” and “common sense” for men to know what is best for the common good of a nation. This is called “natural law.” This moralistic test, I believe, Trump fails. That being said, if he was elected. I would respect him and his Presidency as it is commanded by God in Romans 13.

      Please understand that I am not “running down” evangelicals that support Trump, I am just trying to show that Trump has serious policy and character flaws that should cause Christians to rethink their vote for him.

      Thanks for your comments and the coming conversation, Rev. Dr. Swan. I appreciate all feedback!

      1. Wow. Way to go Peter! Your a braver man than I. Hold on to your beliefs You are a fine man and Steff is a very blessed lady.

  21. Why aren’t the morality police checking Cruz on his dishonest and corrupt political practices??? Because they are participants! Hiding behind a religious cloak.

    I am more concerned with how these men run their campaigns and business. Evangelicals understand that being a Christian isn’t enough to run the country. You need skills. You need integrity- and Trump has run a campaign much cleaner and more ethical than Cruz.

    The issue is why are so many evangelicals comfortable with a man claiming Christianity who is so dirty???????

    1. Hi Kenneth,

      I agree with you that all candidates need to be scrutinized including Ted Cruz. His voting record and campaign tactics are a bit unsettling. But to say that Trump has run a cleaner more ethical race than Cruz is hard to believe. All of the nasty comments toward women, his racist generalizations, and his middle schoolish attacks on his competitors, definitely show that Trump doesn’t filter his thoughts. A man of integrity knows what he thinks and understands what he should say. The Bible explains that over and over again in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Psalms. And as far as Donald’s businesses, I think those speak for themselves if you do some further research.

      As far as men claiming Christianity, I try not to judge a man’s eternal destiny. Only the Triune God and specifically, Christ, have the ability to judge a man’s soul. If an individual claims Christianity, I truly hope that he is, and that God is doing his work in that man. This post was about Trump’s political candidacy not his religious life.

      I hope these answered some of your objections/questions. Thanks for all the feedback!

  22. Good post in that I agree especially “There was a time when (all who claimed to be) Evangelicals voted from the Christian virtue ethic.” We saw with the votes for Obama that was no longer the norm in a broad sense. Some young believers told me it was sad they had to accept some terrible things to get what they needed.

    But please – I wish you had not lumped an entire group of people into athe generalized statement “American Evangelicals want to elect a man who stands for the exact opposite of Christ’s message of virtue as true power.” If you are writing as an Evangelical, as I believe you are, then you were including themselves in that statement without saying SOME before that media promoted generalization. Other than that this article is a good call to prayer that once again, believers (by whatever title) will vote from the Christian virtue ethic.

    1. Hi Delores, I started out the article talking about “anti-establishment” republicans and then went into the sub-category of Evangelical Christians from that category. By no means was I trying to lump all evangelicals together, as I am one myself. It seems that I should make that more clear then. Thanks for the feedback!

  23. Hi Peter,
    I truly appreciate your article! Well thought out and researched. I would love to hear your opinion on Marco Rubio, and maybe a pro/con between him and Rand Paul. Thanks for your time.

  24. So, what’s in it for Farwell? Whats in it for Palin? I wonder

  25. If Trump would just be honest and not pretend to be a christian he would be a much more palatable candidate. Personally, I’m liberal and wouldn’t vote for any of the GOP but it is somewhat the same situation with Hillary on the moral issues and credibility. After relocating to the south a couple years ago and having to find a new church, morals and honesty don’t seem to be very high on the gauge for many many churches I visited so I totally get why Trump is winning.

  26. A friend brought this article to my attention. I was listening to some of the latest broadcasts covering the latest debate, while in study for my adult Sunday school lesson. The night before while watching the news on these same issues, I heard the words, “Give us Barabbas”. If you are familiar with the Pilate/Jesus interrogation, You will know that he asked Jesus is He was in fact the King of the Jews. When Pilate offered the Jews the chance to free their ONE TRUE KING, the cried out, “Give us Barabbas”. So while in study that morning, my television remained on, as my program ended, and “The View” came on. They were also covering some of the debate issues and comments made by the Pope. I would have turned the tv off, but I am glad I was too busy doing my lesson to do so, because about 5 minutes into the debate, Joy Behar said, “Jesus himself could not win the election” PEOPLE, THAT SAYS IT ALL!

  27. Excellent and VERY noteworthy !!

  28. We have a seemingly ethical candidate in Ben Carson. Why does he seem to not attract the flurry that these other candidates do. I have listened to a lot of what he says and he seems to be consistant in a lot of things. He may not have all the answers but at least he is going to be seeking the right way of going about getting them. I may be all wet on this but maybe I am not.

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